
Enjoy Life, Work Hard, & Play Local

AURORA….Where opportunities take place.

Scenic Downtown Aurora

Continue To Drive Economic Growth

Ron is a businessman and knows the hard work it takes to be successful.  He understands attracting new business and supporting EXISTING business is important.   As Alderman he will leverage public funds wisely to drive growth.

Attract businesses to Aurora

Assist current business's growth

Provide job opportunities for citizens

Committed to work hard for the entire city

Ron has personal interests throughout Aurora. He understands how important each ward is and will fight hard for growth, safety, and quality of life for each citizen

Businesses on both Westside & Eastside

Building owner in Downtown Aurora

Partner in Copley re-development project

Fiscal Responsibility

Ron pays taxes like everyone else.  He will ensure our taxes dollars are spent wisely

Spend the citizens of Aurora money wisely

Fight for lower taxes

Seek outside funding due to COVID pandemic

Play Local

Promote activities throughout the city

Downtown Entertainment District

Promote parks/recreation activities

Support Charitable Activities

Enjoy Life - Aurora Pride

As a resident, husband, father, and business owner, Ron understands everyone wants a safe place to live, raise a family and work.  As Alderman, Ron will work with the other alderman to continue to keep our city safe and keep the residents informed of what is happening in their community.

The desired place to live

Community Involvement

Fund & Train Police properly

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